SolidWorks World 2009, Pre-day and the pre-preday

There are officially four days for SolidWorks World 2009, Sunday through Monday; though, sometimes Sunday is sort of considered a pre-day even though its called “Day 1“.   However, activity begins even before Sunday.  I guess Saturday can be called the pre-preday.

Saturday fun

My Saturday was mostly spent flying from San Jose, CA to Orlando, FL, with a layover.  I met up with Alex the SolidWorks Geek in our Houston stop.   This is his first, and my second SolidWorks World.  We made it to the Swan & Dolphin resort in Orlando just in time to catch the tail-end of a secret meeting.  After that, many of us Twitters converged at the lobby bar for some drinks for a tweetup.  It was great meeting up with a lot of the bloggers and consummate SolidWorks users from around the country.

Sunday so far

So, Saturday was indeed a very long day.  Though I prolly should have a hang-over right now, I don’t (never really get those).  My Sunday started bright and early with attendance to some focus groups for SolidWorks sheet metal functionality at 8:30AM and drawings at 10:00AM.   These are sessions where SolidWorks users from various industries meet up with SolidWorks employees in face to face open discussions.  The fact that these sessions happen is a sure sign that (despite the appearance otherwise sometimes) SolidWorks does put forth significant effort to improve their software based on customer input.  These focus groups are good because users give first hand accounts about how they are using the software, including their likes, like-to-haves, frustrations and such.  I may go into specific details about these focus groups later.

It’s lunch time now. I hunger.

SolidWorks World 2009 here I come

It’s one day before my trip to Florida begins.  Actually, it’s almost exactly 24 hours, as my flight takes off around 6:00am or so tomorrow.  Am I excited?  A bit.  Am I worried?  A bit.  Why?  Well, as soon as I’m off the plane, I have my first schedule event (for which I will be an hour late since getting from the MCO to the Swan and Dolphin is no skip across the pond).  Then right after that event comes another that will likely stretch my day out well into jet-lag zone; then I hafta get up early on Sunday because that is when convention really begins!  Maybe I’ll get some sleep Sunday night?

Virtual Sharps – What do you call them?

What do you call it when you dimension to the intersection of two lines that don’t come to a point? Virtual Sharps?

In the past, I’ve settled on using the phrase “TO V.S.” after dimensions when they attach to virtual sharps. I’ve seen this type of notation used elsewhere. Another abbreviation I’ve come across is TSC, which I assume stands for Theoretical Sharp Corner. I think that might be older terminology.

Personally, I used to prefer the shorter “VS” because it feels like a more commonly understood term. That said, none of this really matters since the standards don’t specify what’s “proper.” For example, ASME Y14.5-2009 uses the term Point Location but doesn’t provide any identification symbols or abbreviations for this concept.

SOLIDWORKS, on the other hand, generously offers a variety of marks to identify virtual sharps. The main problem? These markers are often so small on certain drawing scales or radii that they’re nearly impossible to see without magnification. Another issue is that none of these marks are defined in any standards. And, honestly, a third problem is the hidden nature of the functionality.

You have to know how to create a virtual sharp mark—there’s no dedicated button or icon for it. It’s a short sequence of steps that you’d never guess without guidance. Here’s how it’s done in a drawing:

  1. Select the two object lines that intersect in space.
  2. Use the Point sketch tool.

How is anyone supposed to intuitively figure out that you need to use the Point sketch tool for this? Seriously. But hey, at least SOLIDWORKS provides some method. That’s more than can be said for the standards.

I guess my question is: What are others doing to identify dimensions that reference virtual sharps?

Anyway, here’s an updated article about Virtual Sharps.

Challenges in Transitioning from 2D to 3D

The CAD industry is so far along now that the discussion for many is no longer 2D CAD vs 3D CAD, but methodologies within the 3D CAD (such as direct modelling vs history modelling).  However, the adaption of 3D CAD applications such as SolidWorks is still on-going.  Many companies are still using 2D CAD applications.  Why does it take so long for many companies to make the transition when the benefits of 3D CAD seem to be so apparent?

I think Jeff Ray, CEO of DS SolidWorks Corp, properly identified this problem in an interview for the recent article CAD Tools: Breaking Barriers by Linda L. Bell (NASA Tech Briefs, Jan 2009 issue).  In part, he states that when a company considers making the transition to 3D CAD “the pain of change has to be less than the pain of the status quo.”  3D CAD still needs to be easy to access and use.  It also needs to be robust enough to be a design tool for those users that demand more from their applications.  On speaking about how SolidWorks has answered the need to make this transition easier, Ray states, “our last two releases have included a new user interface [where] the workflow predicts which tools the users will need and makes them readily available.”

Even still, there are many challenges to making the transition.  These involve learning a whole new way of working.  For example, when one draws a square, it doesn’t stay a square.  It can become a cube, rectagular rod or a plate.  It can also become a recess or square hole in another feature. 

Once one gets a grasp on these concepts, setting up the new 3D CAD software to work within the company’s documentation system can seem even more challenging.  This is one area that seems to missed (or at least not implemented fully) by many of the 3D CAD applications.  Having the ability to make drawings isn’t the end of it.  Communication with PLM’s and ERP’s is just as important in many companies. 

As my friend Chris MacCormack has recently pointed out, management of the 3D CAD files themselves must also be addressed.  With one or two users, this matter solves itself with simple use of folders.  However, as departments expand and companies grow, solutions for the raising difficulties change.  Of course, this must also be addressed with 2D CAD applications, but it is a much more complex matter with 3D CAD applications.

Most of us first address these issues with wide-eyed innocence. Upon going through this once, that becomes innocence lost.  To consider the transition from 2D CAD to 3D CAD, all of the above must be taken into consideration, and actually other issues too.  To improperly paraphrase Uncle Ben, with the great power enjoyed with the use of 3D CAD comes great responsibility in how it is used.

Now, it is understood that 3D CAD applications are not useful to all CAD users.  But if the field is mechanical engineering, it is very likely 3D CAD going to be worth the transition from 2D.

SWW09 is coming up fast!

I’ve been using SolidWorks since 1998.  The first SolidWorks World I attended was 2008, almost ten years later.  The second SolidWorks World I will attend is 2009.  I had hoped to leverage my trip to Florida to get some vacation after the convention.  However, this was not meant to be.  I wanted to plan for short vacation afterwards because I knew I’d have very little time during SolidWorks World 2009.  I didn’t know exactly what I’d be busy with; I just know I’d be busy. Well, as the event nears, I’m starting to get a handle on just what all I’ll be doing.  Since I’m going as a member of the Press this year, there are a couple extra events tacked on to my calendar.  Additionally, I’m now aware of a couple of events for attending bloggers.  I had originally hoped to present a break out session this year, but I’m now kinda glad I didn’t get picked up for that this time.  Maybe next year.

When planning for this event, I noticed that flights are cheap right now.  Since I’m paying for my own flight this year, this is good.   Who knows how long that is going to last.  It is great to be able to fly across country on a round trip for under $250.  Though I’m not able to vacation in Florida this year, that price makes other trips fairly attractive when the timing is right.

So, this trip isn’t for non-SolidWorks related fun.  No late nights out on the town.  No trip to Miami.  No Universal Studios – Orlando.  No lazy days on the beach.  No tours through the Everglades.  It’s all SolidWorks this, and SolidWorks that.  It’s enough to get a feeling creep up on you; the kind where you think you are working for SolidWorks when you really aren’t. 

SolidWorks World 2009 is something to look forward too.  No matter how much of a know-it-all someone might be on the topic of SolidWorks, there is always something new to learn.  (Even the presenters themselves learn during their presentations.)  I hope to meet as many people as I can this year.  I know I’ve been notorious for not carrying business cards.  I promise to have plenty for this event!  See you there!

SolidWorks Technical Summit – L.A., CA (Photos and such)

No matter how many words one uses (perhaps 1000?), there’s just something about photographs that really makes the point.  My previous article covered the SolidWorks Technical Summit – Los Angeles, CA in December 2008.   So, here’s a couple of photos from that event.

Full sessions

Phil Sluder’s session on 10 SolidWorks assembly fundamentals was nearly standing room only.  I’m not going to say there was a fight over one of the front row chairs, but I will say there was one of those “excuse me, I was sitting there” moments.

During our lunch, Richard Doyle presented 5 awesome prizes; the most awesome prize being a free admission to SolidWorks World 2009!  The lucky winner of this prize is the very happy Robert Wittwer of Power Probe, Inc in Brea, CA.

Robert Wittwer wins!

And don’t try to counterfeit the free admission form for yourself!  Richard Doyle handles the submission of these forms personally, and he knows who won throughout the year! 🙂