SolidWorks Drawings ER Blitz – SW Drawing Forum

There’s something going on over at the SolidWorks Drawings Discussion Forum.  There has been an on-going project consisting of users working together to form a list of requests to improve SolidWorks’ drawing functionality.  It all started out with a posted message that was simple, yet poignant by user RYAN W.

When is solidworks ever going to focus on drawings for a new release? Of all the parts in SW I think it needs the most improvement. When ever I find a bug or have a problem in SW it usually is in drawings. I think it would be great to have a new release focus on this area.

From there, the discussion evolved.  Users started going into what they would like to see added to SolidWorks’ drawing functionality.  Others brought up bugs they found.  Somewhere in the discussion, Dwight Livingston took the baton.  He compiled list of eighteen improvements from everyone’s comments.  It included requests such “Create option to attach the ASME symbol for ALL AROUND to the bend of a leader”, “Change SW tables to have basic spreadsheet functions, without MS Excel”, “Create option to add a new centermark to an existing centermark group”, and “Create feature to embed custom symbols in drawing files”, just to name a few. 

This list has received considerable enthusiasm and has taken on a life of its own; it grew in scope and size in a second thread titled What Drawing Functionality Does SolidWorks Need to Improve?.  Finally, Mr. Livingston formalized the discussion under the thread SolidWorks Drawings ER Blitz, with the intent to finish compiling the list of requests by Sept 17, 2008.  By now, the list is over 40 individual items in about 15 categories.  Some of the categories are DRAWING EXPORT, DIMENSION, HOLE CALLOUTS, GD&T, and SYMBOLS.

Now, unofficially, I can say that SolidWorks Corp is aware of this list.  It is my impression that it will not be ignored.  That is not to say that every item will be dutifully explored and implemented right away.  There are many factors that go into decisions as to which improvements to work on first and when to implement them.  At the very least, SolidWorks Corp is listening.

Please check out the current list.  If so inclined, please feel free to voice your own thoughts about items on this list and mention any new items that need to be added.  What’s been bugging you?  What bugs need fixing? Where does SolidWorks not allow you to detail something per ASME or ISO standards without some heinous workaround?  Where is SolidWorks drawing functionality still lacking?  What functionality can be added to increase efficiency? 

Issues presented to SW Developers at T-VSWUG Meeting

At the T-VSWUG Sept 10th meeting, the forum was open to whatever happened to be on the people’s mind regarding SolidWorks.  Being face to face with members of the SolidWorks developers team brought out the inner need to express our frustrations.   Just some of the points brought up included:

  1. On drawings, dimensions and centerpoints to hole wizard holes should not detach when the type of hole is changed in the model.
  2. “Link to BOM” does not appear to be useful; or it is not obvious that this is the option to pick when it is needed.
  3. Make fly-out menus and menu bars more consistent (RMB clicks, LMB clicks, etc).  One problem is that the same function (such as Open Part) appears in so many different locations, depending on what is currently displayed in SolidWorks.  Make common functions appear in a more predictable fashion, relying less on context and more on general user interface consistency.  SolidWorks development team has started improving user interface inconsistencies since 2007.  2009 will further address these issues.
  4. Allow the user to use a logical center of rotation while in sketch mode.
  5. Generally, let the user choose a fixed point center of rotation within a model or assembly.
  6. Limitations preventing cropping and breaking out of detail views continues to annoy users.
  7. Create a weldment-like system for handling sheet metal parts with hardware, so that sheet metal parts can be a single file instead of an assembly.  My addition to this is that there should be a focus on creating a library of features for standard insert hardware (instead of a library of discrete parts for that hardware). 
  8. Support some sort of silkscreen function that will allow users to apply images to a part without jumping through hoops, and will not screw up a model when exported to other formats.  Maybe even develop this so that silkscreen documentation can be produced right from the model.
  9. SolidWorks Corp is attempting to apply ASME and ISO standards accurately for documentation relying of 3D models (instead of drawings), such as DimXpert.  However, the current 3D model standards (such as ASME Y14.4-2003)  are inadequate to address the growing reliance of solid models and the move away from drawings.  SolidWorks Corp should take a more active role in influencing the ASME and ISO bodies to implement useful future 3D modelling standards.  I suggest SW Corp work directly with these groups, and should even gain representation on their decision making boards.

These points, among others, were well received by the developers.  Some other points brought up already had solutions.  Some solutions involved functionality that which some may not have been aware.  Other solutions have been resolved on newer versions of SolidWorks, which some users are not yet using.

One point not received well (though politely) was the tongue-in-cheek suggestion that SolidWorks have a “What’s Lost” section to their manual to alert users to keystroke changes, menu changes, and any functionality that has been “removed” in the new release.  Perhaps, more detail about actual changes can be addressed in the “What’s New” section for each release.

I will address the discussions regarding SolidWorks release cycle, backwards compatibility, and running SolidWorks on Macs in up-coming articles.

T-VSWUG Sept 10th Meeting in Review

The Tri-Valley SolidWorks User Group Sept 10th meeting is one of those inspirational events that (upon reflection) seems bigger than perhaps any of us knew at the moment.  We had a productive face to face discussion with SolidWorks developers that really seemed to humanize the often corporate SolidWorks Corp.  Many topics were covered in this personable exchange.  In the end, I had the impression that these guys understand our needs and seem eager to fulfill our expectations.  Was I snowed?  Well, maybe, but I doubt it.  I will break up the discussion about this meeting in to several articles.  Stay tuned.

Tri-Valley SolidWorks UG Meeting – Sept 10

The next quarterly meeting for the Tri-Valley SolidWorks User Group is on Sept 10, 2008 at 6:30pm, held in the Holiday Inn Express (6275 Dublin Blvd., Dublin CA 94568).  If any SolidWorks users are within any kind of driving distance at all, I recommend they attend this event!  It will start out with Kenneth Barrentine’s presentation on weldments, deconstructing a vacuum cleaner and tube frames.

After that, Kenneth offers us a rare treat in the form of a SolidWorks Developer Round Table (hosted by Richard Doyle), where users will be face to face with SolidWorks developers.  Topics to be addressed include discussion about surfacing and free-form consumer product modelling, geometric editing, SolidWorks functionality that is nice but just not good enough, and areas where SolidWorks seems to be of lower quality and reliability.  I’m sure they will be open to other discussions as well, time allowing.  This is your time (as the user) to rant at them to let them know what bugs you the most about SolidWorks.  Of course, I’m also sure they will respond well to any raves you might have about SolidWorks as well. 

This is one of those events you’ll not want to miss.  Even if you don’t have any rants or raves, you’ll get a chance to rub elbows with SolidWorks developers and Richard Doyle.  My thanks goes to Kenneth Barrentine, who selflessly puts these User Group meetings together.

It Has Begun (SW Community)

SolidWorks has started their effort to provide users with access to the SolidWorks online community via the SolidWorks website.  It is under the heading Communities.   This new area is apart of the revamping of the SolidWorks website in to a more organized set up.  When you open the Communities area, you’ll see a slick yet simple 3D rotation menu that allows you to go to six separate SolidWorks related communities. 

The first area is to the Engineers & Designers community.  Here, you will find links to the SolidWorks Discussion Forum, the friendly and familar SWUGN, SolidWorks User Blogs (such as yours truly), and the always useful SolidWorks Express Newsletter.

The second area is a connection to Manufacturers & Suppliers, were you’ll find links to (a valuable resource in its own right), 3D ContentCentral, and the listing of SolidWorks Partners.

The third area takes you to information about the Certified SolidWorks Professional program, including basic information about the CSWP tests and how to get certified.

The fourth area is for Educators and Students, with links to vital websites that support each.  This area has an extensive number of links, so even if you are not currently going to school or teaching, I would encourage a looksee.

The fifth area on the list is to SolidWorks itself, called “Connect with SolidWorks“, which has links to Enhancement Requests, Early-visibility Program, and Beta Testing. 

The final community area is Events, which has information about SolidWorks World, User Group meeting dates, Industry and online events such as SolidWorks regular teleconferences and on-demand webinars.

This new Communities area seems like a good and modest first step in attempting to bring together all of the diverse SolidWorks resources that are available online.  The list of links is comprehensive and fairly well organized (for the most part).  If this area gets enough notice, it may open the door to more people discovering our SolidWorks online community. 

SolidWorks online community efforts are on par

Our SolidWorks online community currently seems to be based largely on individual contributor efforts.  Discussions regarding SolidWorks are scattered all over the internet in a multitude of forums, a growing number of blogs (though that number does seem to be stabilizing this year), and online resource sites.  In the past, these websites were far and few between.  Nowadays, they are fairly well interlinked.  It is this interlinking that really has started creating the sense of community.  A lot of the interlinking of websites comes from the 2006-2007 explosion of SolidWorks related blogs, and through the efforts of SolidWorks (namely Richard Doyle) to provide new resources to its user base.  In a way, Richard has been pulling double duty, by being the man behind the curtain for both the user group community and the online community.  These are intertwined, but they are different.

SolidWorks is now giving more attention to the online community.  One of the earliest attempts was the revamping of 3D ContentCentral, with (in my opinion) marginal success.  A new and recent endeavor (this year) attempted to take advantage of “organic marketing” (or whatever it is currently called).  This was the whole Smart Button affair.  This new push was even alluded to at SolidWorks World 2008.  Of course, like most planned organic marketing campaigns, this project didn’t seem to go very far. 

Now, SolidWorks is researching how best to proceed.  I’ve seen some enthusiastic inquiry by SolidWorks staff.  Some of my suggestions and ideas have been previously mentioned on SolidWorks Legion to aid their effort.  Perhaps I should be working for SolidWorks? :)  Though some of my comments have warnings or cynical, I am grateful to SolidWorks Corp for supporting the natural organic growth that is going on.  Maybe they can tap into it more effectively eventually.

That all said, there is one place where SolidWorks appears to have some level of success in the online community.  This is in their forums.  There aren’t thousands of people logged on at one time (and if there was, I imagine it would be chaos), but there is a large number of active users.  Discussions include the frequent how-to question and answers.  There are the occasional rants and raves.  Requests for software improvement are frequent.  And, included are tips and tricks.  Though the forums are moderated, it is not done so with a heavy hand.

Perhaps the forums can be used as an example for SolidWorks on how they can tap into the online community more effectively.  Simply, provide a useful and engaging resource that will compel individuals to participate (or at least frequently lurk).  This seems fundamental, but it is something that escapes so many corporations.  So far, SolidWorks is running par for the course.  With some luck, maybe they can strike on an idea for the online community that takes off.