My Instagram Videos from SOLIDWORKS 2019

Here’s my videos from Instagram from SOLIDWORKS World 2019. Nothing new to add, other than bringing them over for posterity.

Here’s my videos from Instagram from SOLIDWORKS World 2019. Nothing new to add, other than bringing them over for posterity. It appears that both uploading and download videos with Instagram involves significant compression, so the quality of the videos is “potato”, and not actually a result of my tool used to record these (my phone).


Blast from the Past at SOLIDWORKS World 2016 (video snippets from Instagram)

I’m manually adding my SOLIDWORKS World 2016 Instagram videos here for posterity.

Instagram recently gave users the ability to download their data in compliance with new European regulations. Since videos typically don’t come over during automated crossposting, I’m manually adding them here for posterity. There’s no new message other than SOLIDWORKS World 2016 had a lot going on, just like every other SOLIDWORKS World conference. The videos have potato quality. This is apparently from multiple Instagram compressions (both in upload and in the subsequent download too).