My.SolidWorks November Update

On the continous road of improvement, update for November is now available.  Improvements include:

3D ContentCentral on My.SolidWorks3D ContentCentral Integration – Models from 3D ContentCentral are now searchable directly from My.SolidWorks.  Also, previews of models is now improved.

Improved Search – Search now includes SolidWorks Youtube channel.  Searches are now improved to provide more relevant results.

Online Training Manuals – Users who attend training classes can now gain access to online copies of their training manuals.

#SWW14 is already taking off – SolidWorks World 2014 still 70+ days away

The SolidWorks World hashtag is something that started way-back-when during the early days of Twitter.  You can still check the old tweets under #SWW09, which supposedly trended on Twitter during SolidWorks World 2009.  Many years later, many more services now support hashtagging.  Even though SolidWorks World 2014 is still 70+ days away, #sww14 is already being used on Twitter and Google+.

#SWW14 on:


Tuesday Two: Tracking balls

Bounce, bounce aroundThe aptly name  Bounce Imaging Explorer is a throwable camera that allows you to see around corners simply by rolling or throwing it into the area.  Great for cops, firefighters, and military.

trakdotYou can track yourself, your kids, your phone and your car.  Now you track your luggage with Trakdot.  This device can send  text messages, emails or updates to an app.  This allows you to know where luggage is, even if the airline doesn’t.

New in SolidWorks 2014: Slots in spades

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2014

A big leap forward for the Hole Wizard in SolidWorks 2014 is the support of slots as features!  I’ll say this another way.  You can now create slots with Hole Wizard!

When SolidWorks first announced that there was going to be support for slots many years ago, I was a tad bit disappointed when I found out how.  Slots were only available as sketch elements.  Although I did find this useful and it did streamline my workflows, I found it to be a step short.  I was still having to make slots as separate extrude-cut features.  Converting holes to slots and slots to holes still needed a rather lengthy workaround.

SolidWorks 2014 addresses this, and how!  Slots are now supported by the Hole Wizard in spades.

Slots slots slot

Slots with counterbores, slots with countersinks and slots with..umm, well, straight slots with no counter-anything.

Not just that, you can quickly switch between slots and holes, based on design needs for your particular phase of development.

Pre-slotPost slot

Holes become slots with a quick edit (and then back again, if you wish)


New in SolidWorks 2014: View label overhaul (Part 1)

This entry is part 9 of 13 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2014

Drawing View LabelOn Drawings, view labels are special annotation notes that are attached to views such as Detail, Section and Auxiliary.   Previous versions of SolidWorks tightly controlled these labels via the Document  Properties (Tools>Options…>Document Properties tab>Views Labels).   When changes were made to view labels in the Document Properties, those changes were then forced onto all view labels of that type throughout the drawing.  Sometimes you might want to add specific information to a particular view.  SolidWorks often reverted manual edits to the view label.  The settings within the Document Properties were enforced to the exclusion of other edits.    There is a setting that allows you to override this behavior called “Manual view label” in the view label’s PropertyManager.  The drawback of this setting is that elements within the view label all become simple text and no longer update (e.g., if the scale of the view was changed, the view label would not automatically reflect the change).

Edit View Labels in SolidWorks 2014

SolidWorks 2014 introduces sweeping improvements to view labels.   First, a new setting is now available in the view label’s PropertyManager called “Use document layout”.  When this is checked, the Document Properties prevail.  When this is unchecked, you can manually edit the layout of the view label while still maintain the values for scale, view letter, name, etc.  This means, you can type your own text in-between or even on a separate row of text.

Look, I've added text!

Using tags for view label elements

The second improvement actually makes the first improvement possible.  View elements such as scale, view letter and name are now represented by tags.  These tags are viewable when editing the view label within the Edit Text Window.


Didn’t know that there was an “Edit Text Window”?  It’s always been there.  Right-click on any annotation note and choose “Edit Text in Window”.  This dialog has been expanded for view labels.

Edit Text in Window

As shown in the above image, buttons are now included that allow you to add view label elements.  The dialog is smart enough to know when elements are already included in the edit box or when the elements are not valid for a particular view.

You might notice that these buttons are also available when editing the view label directly in the graphics area too.

View label element buttons

Labelling views with angles (to be cont’d…)

In addition to all of the above enhancements, SolidWorks 2014 now has a tag that allows you to add a view’s angle of rotation.  However, more on that in a future article.  A lot more.