Power and Connectivity Strategy at SOLIDWORKS WORLD 2015

[UPDATE: 2/2/2015: Wifi will be available throughout the conference areas]

Keeping power hungry mobile and portable devices fed (charged) presents a unique challenge in the 21st Century.   This appearently was a real problem recently at the International CES 2015 in Las Vegas this year, according to some reports.

Keeping connected to the Internet also presents challenges.  There is a lot going on at SolidWorks World.  It is a big event with thousands of tech savvy attendees with tons of devices, competing with resources to keep them feed and connected.  Granted, keeping a smartphone charged is pretty dang cheap.  However, finding an electrical outlet is the issue at hand.


Phoenix Convention CenterIf you are using your smartphone to keep your schedule (like I do), you’ll be accessing it more often than you might on a normal day.  In addition, you’ll likely be messaging (texting, FB messenging, etc.) and using other social media communication more frequently, too.  Normally, your smartphone’s battery charge may last a day or two without any worries.  No day at SolidWorks World is normal.  Even on the most battery efficient devices, you are likely to need power to recharge at some point during the day.

Have a spare battery or extended-life remote battery on hand, whether you are using a laptop, smartphone, tablet, or any combination thereof.   Wherever you happen to find yourself, be sure to scope out power outlets.  This applies while you are at the conference, and more so also after hours while you are out and about and when your device is most likely to be low on power.  (If you are spending extra time at an airport on stop-overs on your way to the conference, this can be particularly challenging.)

During the day, if you have a smartphone and a laptop, you can charge your phone from the laptop via the normal USB connection.  Finally, the most obvious thing of all, don’t forget any of the charging cables.

If you are plugged into a random outlet or loaning your charger temporarily to another attendee, don’t forget to grab your charging cable before taking off to your next destination!  If you forget it, you will likely never see it again, for various reasons.  This particularly applies to breakout session speakers who may get distracted at the end of their presentation by people rushing up to the podium to introduce themselves and ask further questions.  Am I speaking from personal experience?  Maybe.

Staying Connected

Staying connected is the whole reason we carry around smartphones and tablets.  That means you always need an awareness of WiFi hotspots.  Those of us with smartphones may not be tethered.  However, don’t rely on cellphone carrier signal for data connections while in a conference room.  Even smartphones on a free data plan may need to switch over to WiFi to access the Internet at some point to Facebook, Foursquare or Flickr.  Something new this year: SOLIDWORKS World will provide WiFi throughout the conference area.  In other words, the conference itself will be one gigantic hotspot.  One of the main locations will be near the Partner Pavilion.

All this means that you’ll need to scope out the locations of these hotspots a head of time so you aren’t left without data connection at an inconvenient moment.  Hotspots should be shown on the conference map.  Keep in mind that there will be many other people accessing WiFi at the same time, so please avoid downloading big files or streaming videos.  I always recommend hitting the hotspots for specific connectivity needs, then quickly moving on.

Good luck and I hope to see you at SolidWorks World 2015!


The author of this article is an employee of Dassault Systemes.  However, the material of this article is not representative of Dassault Systemes, nor is it reviewed by them.  Please see the FTC notice in the right side bar of this webpage for further details.

Just over two week until SWW15

Configuring SOLIDWORKS Toolbox by John Van Engen – Gain the power of SOLIDWORKS Toolbox by adding your own custom holes, fasteners, and part numbers! Learn how to configure and customize SOLIDWORKS Hole Wizard and Toolbox.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation: Accelerating the Design Process by Arunachalam Thiraviam – Benefits of incorporating SOLIDWORKS simulation into the product design workflow. It is geared toward introducing new simulation users to the capabilities of the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard.

SOLIDWORKS API for Total Beginners by Keith Rice – This session will walk you through the creation of a powerful macro from scratch, and you’ll learn about the three foundational skills of SOLIDWORKS API programming and what resources can help you achieve proficiency.

SOLIDWORKS Plastics Hands-On Test Drive by Lotfi Derbal – Attendees will learn how to use SOLIDWORKS Plastics to optimize their plastics part and injection mold designs.

The World Is Still Flat: Everything You Need to Know About Drawing Views by Rachel Diane York – Drawings have many elements, the most important being Drawing Views. We will discuss and practice creating views to help users lay the proper foundation for beautiful drawings.

New in SOLIDWORKS 2015: Spline Leaders

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2015

Spline leaders are fun. They’re not fun in the sort of playground, video game, action flick kinda way. They are fun because if you need them, you can now make them with the freedom to shape them in many ways. Contrast that with dimensions. The most fun you have with dimensions is deciding how far to offset them from the model edge. I’ve been doing that for years, and the word “fun” doesn’t really come to mind. With spline leaders, you can actually take a moment of your day to draw without strict conformity. It’s not a big moment, but it is a nice one.

Spline leaders are avaiable for notes and balloons. They work the same way for either.

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To add spline leader to an existing balloon, select that annotation, then click on More Properties button in the PropertyManager. Find the swiggly lined icon and click it.  Then, use the control points to manipulate the spline leader as desired.

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To make spline leaders your default, goto Tools>Options…>Document Properties>Annotations>Balloons (or Notes) in the Leader display area, and choose Spline.  Have fun!



SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten ideas – a time for voting

There is still time to vote for your favorite ideas on this year’s SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten list.  There are a lot of ideas this year.  In fact, with nearly 10K submissions, this year’s list of ideas has broken all previous records.  That means, there are a lot more ideas for which to vote!

To vote for your favorite ideas, first sign in to SOLIDWORKS Forum.  Then, go to the SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top Ten ideas areas (this link will only work once you sign in).  Or, you can navigate to the voting area by logging on to the forum and going to General>SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Top List>Content>Ideas.  Voting will close on Friday, January 23, 2015.  The final top ten vote-getters will be announced at SOLIDWORKS World.