DWGEditor is going to be renamed
As part of a settlement with Autodesk, SolidWorks Corp has agreed to cease their use of the term DWG in any products or trademarks. I personally think this settlement was unnecessary. SolidWorks Corp should’ve taken Autodesk all the way through the legal process to help Autodesk realize the counter-productiveness of their litigious ways. That said, Autodesk still does not have any legal claim to the file extension .dwg. This is their holy grail. Much like the real holy grail, ownership of .dwg is mythological.
The end result of the SolidWorks-Autodesk settlement is that DWGEditor must now be renamed. What would be come good alternative names for the SolidWorks editor of .dwg files? Hmm, I wonder. Here’s some suggestions:
- .dwgEditor
- SolidWorks .dwg Editor
- .dwgWorks
- DrawingWorks
- DraughtingWorks
- Naughty Draughting
- NaughtyWorks
- Old School CAD Tool
- Run Your .dwg Files Here
- FlatlanderCAD
- CADland Editor
- 2DWorks
- LineWorks
- XYEditor
- AutoCAD SuxWorks
- InfiniteCAD
- Almost AutoCADWorks
- AutomaticCAD
- NoSoAutomaticCAD
Any other suggestions or votes for any of these?
It should be noted (disclaimer)
As noted in my FTC 16 CRF Part 255 notice on the sidebar of this website, the authors who contribute to this site are sometimes included in events where DS SolidWorks Corp. pays for expenses (such as conference passes or accommodations). We receive no payments (quid pro quo or otherwise) for any content of this website. In the case of SolidWorks World 2010, I (Matthew Lorono) received a Press Pass (which gives me access to most areas of Conference, including meals) and hotel accommodations, which allowed me to cover this event. However, it should be noted that I did not receive compensation for all of my normal experiences. Chris Saller, who also wrote about SolidWorks World 2010, did not receive anything directly from SolidWorks Corp., and only attended with a Guest Pass that he procured via a third party on his own. Each contributor is solely responsible for the content they add; at no time are we obliged to others for that content.
I did forget to add this information as a reminder during the SolidWorks World 2010 event this year. These types of notices are something that are now being enforced per FTC 16 CRF Part 255. This type of notice will now be integral to any blog postings where disclosure is necessary. As my long time readers may know, I am a believer in disclosure and I attempt to be almost painfully forthright about these kinds of details.
Drawing: Detail View with blank detail circle
**UPDATE Sept 2016**
As with many old tips for SOLIDWORKS, this old tip is now outdated. As of SOLIDWORKS 2017, there is an option for detail and crop views within their PropertyManager called “No outline” that allows you to turn off the view outline. No more need for the fancy workaround below.
**Original post, now outdated**
An interesting drawing question recently came up on the SolidWorks Forum. How does one create a detail view were the detail circle is hidden? Jennifer Reid gets props for coming up with a great solution for newer versions of SolidWorks (I’ve modified her original post for clarity):
- Open the document that will have the blank detail circles.
- Go to toolbar Tools>Options>Document Properties tab>Line Style.
- Click the New button.
- In the Line styles field, name the new line style something like “None”.
In the Line length and spacing values field, enter “A,-1,-1”.
- If desired, Save the new line. This is not necessary.
- Click OK button to apply this new line to this document.
- Then goto toolbar Tools>Options>Document Properties tab>View Labels>Detail
- Set Circle and Border to the blank line that was just created. (It shows up as a blank line at the bottom of the line style drop down lists.)
- Click OK to apply changes.
- On the drawing, ignore the dashed line for the detail circle and detail border. This is just a guide that does not appear when the drawing is printed.
The full conversation is found here.
Victim of my own moderate success
SolidWorks Legion has been under the weather recently. It’s been a victim of it’s own moderate success. It’s not been cyber attacked (that I know of…though I’m sure I would’ve noticed a serious attempt). It’s just been a combination of increased visitors and me adding too many WordPress bells and whistles. So, I apologize to readers who may have come to our site during the many times it was down in the past few days. Hopefully the issues that lead to the crashing of this site are under control for now.
SolidWorks World 2010 short photo log
Photos really don’t do SolidWorks World justice. As James Cameron said last week, “I believe in the physical present of the observer”. Well, that doesn’t stop us “observers” from providing photos of our experiences.