CSWA, CSWP, CSWP advanced modules, and CSWE are all important certifications that demonstrate a person’s skill level with SolidWorks. One of the easiest ways to let others know that you’ve successfully passed a SolidWorks certification exam is to list the certificate on Linkedin.com. There are several ways to do this.
A very common method right now is to simply add “, CSWP” to your last name, as in “Smith, CSWP”. This will show your certification to anyone searching people on Linkedin. However, this method is very limited since it’s impractical to show multiple certifications, such as “Smith, CSWA, CSWP, CSWP-WELDMENTS, CSWP-FEA”. My recommendation for this method is to simply show the highest tier of certification you’ve earned (CSWA, CSWP or CSWE).
In addition to that method, you can list all of your certifications on Linkedin. Linkedin gives you the ability to add Certifications as a heading on your profile. To do this:
- Logon to Linkedin.com with your account.
- Goto Profile>Edit Profile.
If you haven’t already added Certifications to your profile, Certifications should appear in a list of unused headings to the right of your profile. (Please note that Linkedin has been changing its interface a lot recently, so current location of this area may change at some point.)
- Click on the plus symbol in the Certifications box. This will take you to a new heading area under your profile.
- In Certification Name field, type in the name of the SolidWorks Certification. For example, “Certified SolidWorks Professional”
- In Certification Authority field, type in “Dassault Systèmes”. As you type “Dass”, Linkedin will likely provide an autofill option Dassault Systèmes that includes the “è” so that you don’t have to work out how to create that character if you do not have a European keyboard.
- Under License Number, type in the validation code associated with your certification. This code is used to verify that your cerification exists and that it belongs to you.
- In Dates, enter the month and year in which you earned your certification.
- Choose Save.
- Repeat for each certification you earn.
- You can use the reposition icon under the heading (upper right corner) to move your Certifications higher up on your profile to call attention to them quicker for visitors.
- Save and Exit the edit profile mode and view your profile to ensure your information is correct.
- You can use Linkedin to spammishly notify your contacts that you’ve updated your profile to include your certificates. It might be a good idea for someone looking for employment, but otherwise, I would shy away from this functionality.