Full ASME Revision List

ASME Revision list thumbnail

Author: Matthew Lorono

Website: fcsuper.com/swblog

ASME Revision list thumbnail
ASME Revision list

Per ASME Y14.35 standard, these are full lists of allowed letters to serve as revisions and view labels on drawings. There are two choices. The pre-2014 list contains all single and double digit revision letters. The current list (as of 2014) contains all single, double and triple digit revision letters. Omitted are the letters I, O, Q, S, X and Z. File format is Excel, from which the list may be readily copied.

ASME Revision List (pre-2014)

ASME Revision List (as of 2014)

Author: fcsuper

As a drafter, mechanical designer and CAD engineer, I've been in the mechanical design field since 1991. For the first 8 years of my career, I was an AutoCAD professional. I utilized AutoLISP and many other AutoCAD customization features to streamline drafting activities for 6+ drafters and designers. I authored several custom functions, one of which was published in the March 1997 issue of Cadalyst Magazine. Since 1998, I've been used SolidWorks non-stop. I've worked to utilize the SolidWorks' user environment to simplify drafting and design activities for 20+ engineers. I've created this website to provide current information about SolidWorks from a variety of contributors. More recently, I am now employed by Dassault Systemes as SOLIDWORKS Sr. Product Definition Manager to improve drawing, annotation and MBD related areas.

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