BIOMEDevice in San Jose, CA is a bit bigger and more populated that I suspected. It appears to get bigger and better each year. The booth displays are very snazzy too. The quality of booth backdrops was great, even compared to my memory of the big MD&M show in Anaheim.
Of note, Autodesk had a booth showing off their new version of the old Moldflow software. It still isn’t integrated into Inventor, though. Results of mold flow analysis can be exported as a .stl file for use with other 3D CAD softwares, and it does import Inventor and other files readily, at least according to the guy at their booth. That said, it doesn’t seem like there is a publicly discussed plan to increase integration beyond just improving how Moldflow Adviser talks to Inventor.
San Jose Convention Center is small. Its not likely to house any SolidWorks Worlds in its current state. Even the Santa Clara Convention Center (next to California’s Great America; and also next to the future home of the 49er’s) has much more convention space (even before SCCC’s expansion this year). ::hint hint to the SWW Committee::
I did walk away with far less swag than I expected at BIOMEDevice. There is this one over-designed pen from the Autodesk booth. Oh, J&J was giving out “Clean & Clear” facial cleanser. Kinda an odd choice, given the likely demographic of attendees.
Interesting post on the show. Thought you might want to know that Moldflow technology is included in both the Inventor Professional and Inventor Tooling versions of the product.
Check it out here: