If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, you might consider creating one. LinkedIn is a great tool to connect with peers, potential employers/employees, consultants, and display your career information in an interactive manner on your own terms. If you already have an account on LinkedIn and you are attending SolidWorks World 2012, then it may be beneficial to goto the SolidWorks World 2012 event page on LinkedIn to state your attending status. Showing others that you are attending SolidWorks World highlights that you are participating in an event that potentially expands your skill set (see SWW12 Justification Letter). A side benefit is that this page provides an additional outlet to connect with other attendees to build up your contacts.
As of right now, several events have been set up on LinkedIn for SolidWorks World 2012. Feel free to join the others, however, I recommend joining the event page created by Matthew West, DS SolidWorks Social Media Manager.
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