Senseless Sunday: stop the numbers!

  • Adding 10 inches to 6 millimeters equals exactly 26 centimeters (10 in + 6mm = 26cm).
  • Tautonyms is the word for scientific names where the genus and species are the same.
  • Taxi is spelled exactly the same in English, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, and Dutch.
  • Mexico uses the Spanish word alto on stop signs; Spain uses the word stop.
  • Don’t ask a quantum physicist to define the time length for a jiffy.  You might get a long answer.

Rotating a Drawing View

Sometimes one need to show a rotated view in the drawing. If is available in the standard view, once can simply place it as desired. If there is no view as required, one may go to part or assembly and create a new view orientation and then use that in the drawing. To avoid that one can simply rotate the drawing view as required.

1. Click on the view or select the view you want to rotate.

2. Click on Rotate View on the heads up tool bar or standard tool bar.

3. You’ll now see a Rotate Drawing View pop up window.

4. Fill in the desired angle value (I have used 90°). You can also key in a negative value.

5. Once you have keyed in the desired value, click on Apply and view will be rotated.

6. Then click on close to exit the command and you’ll have a rotated view.

Draftsight for Mac now available: Free 2D CAD

DraftSight for Mac (a new CAD .dwg editor) is now available for download!  It is a beta release, so there is still room for improvement (not that I know what needs improving on the Mac version).  If you are a Mac user who’s interested in DraftSight, please join the community to get ideas or provide your suggestions.

SolidWorks World 2011 Twitter feed

I tried to have a twitter feed on SolidWorks Legion for SolidWorks World 2010 back in 2009.   That didn’t turn out well for various reasons.  Well, I’m going it a try again.  I’ve copied the twitter feed (Yahoo! Pipes) that appears at SolidWorks World Connent.  It’s modified to include both hashtags #SWW11 and #SolidWorks.  It is currently up and running on the right side menu.  If all goes well, I’ll have this twitter feed up until after SolidWorks World 2011 next year.

News of the day

There’s a couple of CAD industry press releases that came to me last week from Dassault Systemes.  I decided to experiment a bit with WordPress by providing both press releases at the same time in a dual column format.  Since this article is more of an experiment in WordPress formatting than an actual attempt to perpetuate announcements, I’m going to be lazy by doing something I almost never do. I’m going to post the nearly raw press releases (except for the addition of some images from Mike Puckett to help illustrate the DS HQ announcement).  I know, I know, but either one of these press releases will be of interest to someone, so I don’t necessarily feel completely guilty. You are free to read one or both (or none), as you please.  (If you are interested in seeing another point of view covering the DS HQ move, check out this article from “The Real Reporter“.)