Senseless Sunday: Dog’s life

  1. A dog was killed by a meteor at Nakhla, Egypt, in 1911.[1]

  2. The tallest recorded bamboo is 130 feet high.[2]

  3. World’s longest beaver dam is found in Alberta, Canada with a length of 2790 feet.[3]

  4. Adwaita, an Aldabra Giant Tortoise died at the age of 255 in March 2006 in Alipore ZooKolkataIndia. It was recorded the oldest Terrestrial animal in the world.

Rob Jost gives details of the new Style Spline tool in SolidWorks 2014

This entry is part 4 of 13 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2014

Rob Jost, of SolidWorks Product Definition team, goes into deep detail about the new Style Spline sketch tool now available in SolidWorks 2014, in a recent article posted on the SolidWorks website.

The new Style Spline actually isn’t something new in the world of CAD. It’s an entity that’s been around for a long time, but is sometimes overlooked. It’s called a Bézier curve.

His very detailed article with a tutorial is found here:  Style Spline: What is it and why is it useful?

Motley Fool interviews Al Bunshaft of Dassault Systemes, covered 3D Printing

Al Bunshaft, Dassault Systemes Senior Vice President for the North America region, was recently interviewed by Motley Fool, covering a range of topics.  SolidWorks  and its 2 million end users are mentioned, but the interview focuses on Dassault’s role in the rise of 3D Printing in recent years.  Bunshaft states, “our software is the engine of the 3D printing industry”.  He also talks about several real world examples of successful uses of Dassault Systemes software within industry.  The complete article can found on the Motley Fool at What’s Next for Dassault Systèmes, And How It Profits Off 3D Printing, including the video of the interview.

What’s New in SolidWorks 2014: On-The-Fly Virtual Sharps While Dimensioning

This entry is part 3 of 13 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2014

SolidWorks 2014 introduces the ability to find and use virtual sharps on the on-the-fly while creating dimensions.

  1. Start any dimension tool.
  2. Right-click on model or sketch geometry
  3. Choose “Find Intersection”.
  4. Left-click on any model or sketch geometry that intersect the first selection.
  5. The Virtual Sharp element is automatically added, the point is automatically applied as a selection for the dimension tool.

See the attached video below (AVI will open, not an embedded video).

 On-The-Fly Virtual Sharps while Dimensioning

On-the-fly Virtual Sharps (AVI video)

New stuff in SolidWorks 2014 (not mentioned in “What’s New”): Symbols

This entry is part 2 of 13 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2014

There are many new symbols that have been introduced in SolidWorks since 2012.

SolidWorks 2012

New category of Inspection Symbols:

  • Inspection Box (empty)
  • Inspection Box (with text)
  • Eye [for those inspection points that are visual and aren’t/can’t be measured with an instrument]

Inspection Symbols
SolidWorks 2013

In addition to new JIS Weld Symbols, these new symbols where added to Modifying Symbols:

  • Rho [used with conics]
  • Delta
  • Center of Mass

Modifying Symbols 
SolidWorks 2014

In addition to 5 new JIS weld Symbols, there are several new symbols included in other areas.

Inspection Symbols:

  • Diamond [alternative for identification of inspection points]

New category View Symbols:

  • View Rotation Clockwise (CW)
  • View Rotation Counterclockwise (CCW)
  • GOST Rotated View
  • GOST Unfold

Modifying Symbols:

  • Translation [including additions to the GD&T interface for compliance with ASME Y14.5-2009]

SW2014 symbols

What’s New in SolidWorks 2014: Ballooning

This entry is part 1 of 13 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2014

Balloon annotations have been improved in SolidWorks 2014, with several formatting and behavioral enhancements.

Moving the arrow instead of the drawing view

Selection of the geometry within a drawing view tells SolidWorks you want to move the entire drawing view.  Normally, this is a great feature.  However, there is one case that wasn’t supported as a result.  It was not easy to select an arrow which was attached to a vertex of model geometry (because the vertex itself would be selected).  In SolidWorks 2014, when moving the arrow of a balloon to attach it to a different location, select the balloon first, then select the grip at the arrow’s tip.  This will allow you to move the arrow without moving the entire drawing view.

Moving that arrow

Leader attachment with quantites added

When a quantity is added to a balloon, the leader is no longer forced to break around the quantity.  You now have an option under More Properties button in the PropertyManager of the balloon.

To break or not to break, that is the question

Break around qty

No break around qty

Spacing between quantity and its balloon

You now have control of the distance between the quantity and the balloon with the new Distance field in the Quantity group box of the balloon’s PropertyManager.

Quantity spacing


You can now reattach any balloon, including dangling balloons within a stack, to associate them with any component from the same drawing view.


Reattach command



Enhancements to Balloons in SolidWorks 2014, together with the enhancements to ballooning in SolidWorks 2013, have improved and simplified many workflows to allow you to produce quality drawings faster and with less effort.