What’s new in SolidWorks 2014: BOM saved sorting

This entry is part 6 of 13 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2014

Tables have seen several improvements in SolidWorks 2014.  One specifically for BOMs is the ability to save sorts.  In previous versions of SolidWorks, sorting BOMs was a one time action.  Each time you wanted to sort a BOM, you re-entered your criteria.  Not any more.  BOMs now have an option that allows you to save your sort by checking the setting called “Save current sort settings” from the Sort dialog.  Sort dialog is now available when you right-click on the BOM and select Sort>Custom Sort….

Save sort settings

Once OK is selected in the dialog, your settings will be stored with the BOM table.  If you make changes to your assembly or the BOM that adds, removes or changes your components, you can reapply your sort at any time by right-clicking on the BOM and selecting Sort>Apply Saved Sort Scheme.

Apply saved sort

Additionally, when Save current sort settings is employed on a BOM, the settings are remembered when that BOM is saved as a BOM template.  This means, on any new drawings, the sort is automatically applied when the BOM template is used to create new BOM!


Senseless Sunday: Mort fog tail

  • Micromort is the unit of measure assigned to determining the risk of mortality in terms of one-in-a-million chance of dying.
  • The invention of the toothbrush has no well defined origin, but the first bristle toothbrush has been discovered in China from the Tang Dynasty (circa A.D. 619–907).  It used hog bristle.  Not quite the same as brushing your teeth with bacon flavored toothpaste, but close.
  • A cubic mile of fog is made up of 56,000 gallons of water.
  • The word coward original comes from Latin word couda, meaning “tail”.

SolidWorks World 2014 Top Ten List is now open for Idea submissions

Top Ten ListFrom the SolidWorks Forums:
It is the time of the year to start preparing for SolidWorks World 2014.  To start things off we are looking for your input in creating the SolidWorks World Top Ten List.  This is a list of your ideas for enhancements to future versions of SolidWorks.  The top rated ideas are reviewed at the SolidWorks World 2014 General Session on Wednesday 1/29/2014.  These ideas provide guidance for future developments in SolidWorks. You can see a majority of the ideas from former SolidWorks World Top Ten lists implemented now in the SolidWorks product.  You do not have to be an attendee of SolidWorks World 2014 to submit your ideas.


Starting on Wednesday, October 31 2013; the list will be open for idea generations and discussion only.  To participate in the SolidWorks World 2014 Top Ten list access the SolidWorks World 2014 section of the discussion forum and click the “Ideas” tab or click the “SolidWorks Top Ten List” button (you have to be logged into the Forums).  During this period any customer can submit ideas and comment on existing ideas, but you will not yet be able to cast any votes.  Since we will receive so many responses, please be sure to search through existing ideas to see if someone has already submitted the same idea.  In this case, please comment on the existing idea rather than creating a duplicate idea.


Starting Monday, December 16, 2013 the webpage will be closed to  new idea generation and will be opened up for voting.  When voting, you are allowed to up or down vote as many ideas as you like. Voting will close on Wednesday, January 15, 2014.


Whether or not you are attending SolidWorks World 2014 in San Diego, this is an easy way to tell us how you use SolidWorks and how we can improve it to meet your needs.  So please start thinking of what new functionality you would like to see, participate in the SolidWorks World 2014 Top Ten List and we will hopefully see you at SolidWorks World 2014 in San Diego.

SolidWorks World 2014 Top Ten List


New in SolidWorks 2014: Angular Running Dimensions

This entry is part 5 of 13 in the series New in SOLIDWORKS 2014

A new type of dimension is now available in SolidWorks called Angular Running which allows you create a set of angle dimensions that originate from a common origin in a style similar to Oridinate Dimensions.  Options are available to meet ISO standards, such as adding a chain (dimension lines with direction arrow), and aligned text.  Options are also available to apply ASME style rules as well, such as horizontal text.  Angular Running Dimensions are added and modified similar to Ordinate and Baseline Dimensions, including the ability to add dimensions to an existing set of Angular Running Dimensions.

Angular Running Dimensions

Horizontal text


Angular Running Dimensions

Aligned text w/ chain


Angular Running Dimensions

Inline text w/ chain


Angular Running Dimension

Horizontal text w/ chain and bidirectionality


3DEXPERIENCE Customer Forum 2013

Dassault Systemes has a conference called 3DEXPERIENCE Customer Forum each year specifically geared for “senior-level” members of industry.  This is a conference meant for a wider range of individuals, including Engineers, Contractors, Department Managers, Program Managers, Directors and even chief executives (aka, “c-level” or “Csuite”).  This year, the conference will be at the ARIA Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV on November 12 and 13 (at the awesome and chic CITYCENTER).

Breakout sessions include high-level discussions and examples on such topics as how to leverage 3DEXPERIENCE technology for Aerospace & Defence, Life Sciences, Consumer Products, Energy, etc.  From the site:

  • Learn new best practices from 3DS customers who are using our solutions to stay ahead of the competition
  • Experience live demos of industry solutions, demonstrating innovative ways to capture opportunities in a competitive business environment
  • Hear leading 3DS experts discuss current business trends and the new solutions available to address the challenges facing your industry
  • Network with other industry, business and technology leaders

Register to attend